Pretty Hanging Files

Despite the advancements in pretty file folders, no progress has been made for the hanging version.  I have rolling mesh file boxes and the army green or primary color options just weren't doing it for me.  This is a very inexpensive and simple way to create hanging files to match your office decor.

Supplies:  Wrapping Paper, Xacto Knife, Binder Clips, Ruler, Self Healing Mat or cardboard, Packing or Double sided tape, hanging files

1.  Roll out your wrapping paper on top of your cardboard or mat and align your hanging folder against the edge on one side.

2.  Using the folder as your guide cut the paper with your xacto knife.  If it's easier mark the folder's edge with a pencil and then use a ruler as your straight edge instead.  You will want to allow an additional 1"-1.5" to over hang the top and bottom of your folder.

3.  With your folder on top of your sized paper, align edges and fold down top flap.  Use double stick or packing tape to secure your paper.  Trim any over hang.  

4.  Now fold both your folder and paper up (the way the folder would hang) and crease the bottom edge with your fingers.  

5.  Fold the remaining paper down inside your closed folder and secure with binder clips just along front edge.  Open your folder and tape the edge down as you did in step 3.

6.  Feel for the indentations of the tab slots and cut a small incision for the tab edges.

Sometimes small inexpensive things can make big differences.  I think its important to like where you work, it is amazing to me how many hours we all spend in our offices and how little we think about what goes in them.  This project might be fun to try do with wall decals or fabric.  Or maybe pretty folders are on the minds of manufactures too?